Материалы по истории астрономии

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К главе 1

Atkinson R.J.C. Stonehenge, Pelican, London, 1960.

Atkinson R.J.C. Moonshine on Stonehenge, Antiquity, 40, 212—216, 1966.

Atkinson R.J.C. Hoyle on Stonehenge: some comments, Antiquity, 41, 92—95, 1967.

Atkinson R.J.C. Megalithic astronomy: a prehistorian's comments, J. for the History of Astronomy, 6, 42—52, 1975.

Hadingham E. Circles and Standing Stones, Heinemann, London, 1975.

Hawkins G.S. Stonehenge decoded, Nature, 200, 306—308, 1963. (Имеется перевод: Хокинс Дж., Уайт Дж. Разгадка тайны Стоунхенджа. — М.: Мир, 1973, приложение А, с. 205.)

Hawkins G.S. Stonehenge: a Neolitic computer, Nature, 202, 1258—1261, 1964. (Имеется перевод: Хокинс Дж., Уайт Дж. Разгадка тайны Стоунхенджа. — М.: Мир, 1973, приложение Б, с. 221.)

Hawkins G.S., in Collaboration with White J.B. Stonehenge Decoded, Souvenir Press Ltd., London, 1966; Fontana Books, London, 1970. (Имеется перевод 1-го изд.: Хокинс Дж., Уайт Дж. Разгадка тайны Стоунхенджа. — М.: Мир, 1973.)

Hoare R. Colt The Ancient History of Wiltshire, 1812.

Hoyle F. Stonehenge: an eclipse predictor, Nature, 211, 454—456, 1966.

Hoyle F. Speculations on Stonehenge, Antiquity, 40, 272—276, 1966.

Kendall D.G., Piggott S., King-Hele D.G., Edwards I.E.S. (orgs.), Hodson E.R. (ed.) The Place of Astronomy in the Ancient World, A Joint Symposium of the Royal Society and the British Academy. Oxford Univ. Press, 1974; опубликовано также Королевским обществом в серии Philosophical Transactions А, 276, по. 1257.

Lockyer N.J. Stonehenge and other British Stone Monuments Astronomically Considered, Macmillan, London, 1906.

Mackie E.W. Archaeological tests on supposed prehistoric astronomical sites in Scotland, in Kendall et al. The Place of Astronomy in the Ancient World, 1974, p. 169—191.

Newall R.S. Stonehenge. HMSO, London, 1959.

Newham C.A. in the Yorkshire Post, 16 March 1963.

Newham C.A. The Enigma of Stonehenge. John Blackburn Ltd., Leeds, 1964.

Newham C.A. The Astronomical Significance of Stonehenge, John Blackburn Ltd., Leeds, 1972.

Ruggles C. Megalithic observatories: a critique, New Scientist, 577—579, 16 September 1976.

Thom A. Megaliths and Mathematics, Antiquity, 40, 121—128, 1966.

Thom A. Megalithic Sites in Britain, Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1967.

Thom A. Megalithic Lunar Observatories, Clarandon Press, Oxford, 1971.

К главе 2

Atkinson R.J.С. The Dorset Cursus, Antiquity, 29, 4—9, 1955.

Atkinson R.J.C. Silbury Hill 1969—1970, Antiquity, 44, 313—314, 1970.

Bradley R. Where have all the houses gone? Some approaches to Beaker settlement, Current Archaeology, 2, 264—266, 1970.

Burl A. The Stone Circles of the British Isles, Yale Univ. Press, New Haven and London, 1976.

Dyer J. Southern England: an archaeological guide, Faber and Faber Ltd., London, 1973.

Mackie E.W. Scotland: an archaeological guide, Faber and Faber Ltd., London,, 1975.

Renfrew C. Before Civilisation. Jonathan Cape Ltd., London, 1973.

Renfrew C. British Prehistory: a new outline (editor). Gerald Duckworth and Co. Ltd., London, 1974.

Selkirk A., Selkirk W. New Grange, Current Archaeology, 2, 297—300, 1970.

Stone J.F.S. Wessex Before the Celts, Thames and Hudson Ltd., London, 1958.

К главе 3

Broadbent S.R. Quantum hypothesis, Biometrika, 42, 45—57, 1955.

Broadbent S.R. Examination of a quantum hypothesis based on a single set of data, Biometrika, 43, 32—44, 1956.

Cunnington M.E. Woodhenge, George Simpson, Devizes, 1929.

Freeman P.R. A Bayesian analysis of the megalithic yard, J. of the Royal Statistical Society A, 139, 20—55, 1976.

Freeman P.R. Thom's survey of the Avebury ring, J. for the History of Astronomy, 8, 134—138, 1977.

Kendall D.G. Hunting quanta, in Kendall et ai, The Place of Astronomy in the Ancient World, Oxford Univ. Press, 1974, p. 231—266.

Porteous H.L. Megalithic yard or megalithic myth?, J. for the History of Astronomy, 4, 22—24, 1974.

Roy A.E., McGrail N., Carmichael R. A new survey of the Tormore Circles, Transactions of the Glasgow Archaeological Society, 15, 59—67, 1963.

Thom A. A statistical examination of the megalithic sites in Britain, J. of the Royal Statistical Society, A, 118, 275—295, 1955.

Thom A. The egg-shaped standing stone rings of Britain, Archives Internationales d'Histoire des Sciences, 14, 291—303, 1961.

Thom A. The geometry of megalithic man, Mathematical Gazette, 45, 83—93, 1961.

Thom A. The magalithic unit of length, J. of the Royal Statistical Society A, 125, 243—251, 1962.

Thom A. The larger units of length of megalithic man, J. of the Royal Statistical Society A, 127, 527—533, 1964.

Thom A. Megaliths and methematics, Antiquity, 40, 121—128, 1966.

Thom A. The metrology and geometry of cup and ring marks, Systematics, 6, 173—189, 1968.

Thom A., Thom A.S. A megalithic lunar observatory in Orkney, J. for the History of Astronomy, 4, 111—123, 1973.

Thom A., Thom A.S. Avebury (2): the West Kennet Avenue, J. for the History of Astronomy, 7, 193—197, 1976.

Thom A., Thom A.S., Foord T.R. Avebury (1): A new assessment of the geometry and metrology of the ring, J. for the History of Astronomy, 7, 183—192, 1976.

К главе 4

Colton R., Martin R.L. Eclipse cycles and eclipses at Stonehenge, Nature, 213, 476—478, 1967.

Hawkins G.S. Stonehenge: a Neolithic computer, Nature, 202, 1258 —1261, 1964. (Имеется перевод: Хокинс Дж., Уайт Дж. Разгадка тайны Стоунхенджа. — М.: Мир, 1973, приложение Б, с. 221.)

Hoyle F. Stonehenge: an eclipse predictor, Nature, 211, 454—456, 1966.

Newton R.R. Introduction to some basic astronomical concepts, in Kendall et ai, The Place of Astronomy in the Ancient World, Oxford Univ. Press, 1974, p. 5—20. Sadler D.H. Prediction of eclipses, Nature, 211, 1119 —1121, 1966.

Thom A. Megalithic Lunar Observatories, Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1971. Explanatory Supplement to the «Astronomical Ephemeries» and the «American Ephemeries» and the «Nautical Almanac», HMSO, London, 1961.

К главе 5

Bailey M.E., Cooke J.A., Few R.W., Morgan J.G., Ruggles C.L.N. Survey of three megalithic sites in Argyllshire, Nature, 253, 431—433, 1975.

Bibby J.S. Petrofabric analysis, Appendix to paper by Mackie E.W. in Kendall et ai, The Place of Astronomy in the Ancient World, 1974, p. 191 —194.

Cooke J.A., Few R.W., Morgan J.G., Ruggles C.L.N. Indicated declinations at the Callanish megalithic sites, J. for the History of Astronomy, 8, 113 —133, 1977.

Hawkins G.S. Callanish: a Scottish Stonehenge, Science, 147, 127 —130, 1965. (Имеется перевод: Хокинс Дж., Уайт Дж. Разгадка тайны Стоунхенджа. — М.: Мир, 1973, приложение В, с. 232.)

Mackie E.W. Duntreath, Current Archaeology, 4, 6—7, 1973.

Mackie E.W. Archaeological tests on supposed prehistoric astronomical sites in Scotland, in Kendall et al. The Place of Astronomy in the Ancient World, Oxford Univ. Press, 1974, p. 169—191.

Patrick J. Midwinter sunrise at New Grange, Nature, 249, 517—519, 1974.

Penny A., Wood J.E. The Dorset Cursus complex: a Neolithic astronomical observatory?, Archaeological J., 130, 44—76, 1973.

Somerville B. Astronomical indications in the megalithic monument at Callanish, J. of the British Astronomical Association, 23, 83—96, 1912.

Thom A. Megalithic Lunar Observatories, Clarendon Press, Oxdord, 1971.

К главе 6

Davidson C.J., Seabrook R.A.G. Stone rings on south-east Dartmoor, Proc. of the Devon Archaeological Society, 31, 22—44, 1973.

Newham C.A. Stonehenge: a Neolithic «observatory», Nature, 211, 456—458, 1966. Newham C.A. The Astronomical Singificance of Stonehenge. John Blackburn Ltd., Leeds, 1972.

Penny A., Wood J.E. The Dorset Cursus complex: a Neolithic astronomical observatory? Archaeological J., 130, 44—76, 1973.

Thom A. Megalithic Lunar Observatories, Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1971.

К главе 7

Heggie D.C. Megalithic Lunar observatories: an astronomer's view, Antiquity, 46, 43—48, 1972.

Thom A. Megalithic Lunar Observatories, Garendon Press, Oxford, 1971.

Wood J.R., Penny A. A megalithic observatory on Dartmoor, Nature, 257, 205—207,1975.

К главе 8

Atkinson R.J.C. Megalithic astronomy — a prehistorian's comments, J. for the History of Astronomy, 6, 42—52, 1975.

Freeman P.R. Carnac probabilities corrected, J. for the History of Astronomy, 6, 219, 1975.

Hadingham E. Circles and Standing Stones, Heinemann, London, 1975.

Patrick J., Butler C.J. On the interpretation of the Carnac menhirs and alignments by A. and A.S. Thom, Ulster J. of Archaeology, 35, 29—44, 1976. (С ответом А. и А.С. Тома.)

Thom A., Thom A.S. The astronomical significance of the large Camac menhirs, J. for the History of Astronomy, 2, 147 —160, 1971.

Thom A., Thom A.S. The Camac alignments, J. for the History of Astronomy, 3, 11—26, 1972

Thom A., Thom A.S. The uses of the alignments at Le Menec, Camac, J. for the History of Astronomy, 3, 151—164, 1972

Thom A., Thom A.S. The Kerlescan cromlechs, J. for the History of Astronomy, 4, 168—173, 1973.

Thom A., Thom A.S. The Kermario alignments, J. for the History of Astronomy, 5, 30—47, 1974.

Thom A., Thom A.S., Gorrie J.M. The two megalithic lunar observatories at Camac, J. for the History of Astronomy, 7, 11—26, 1976.

К главе 9

Atkinson R.J.C, Stonehenge, Pelican, London, 1960.

Atkinson R.J.C. The Stonehenge stations, J. for the History of Astronomy, 7, 142—144, 1976.

Brinckerhoff R.F. Astronomically orientated markings on Stonehenge, Nature, 263, 465—469, 1976.

Dibble W.E. A possible pythagorean triangle at Stonehenge, J. for the History of Astronomy, 7, 141 —142, 1976.

Hawkins G.S. in Collaboration with White J.B. Stonehenge Decoded, Souvenir Press Ltd., London, 1966; Fontana Books, London, 1970. (Имеется перевод 1-го изд.: Хокинс Дж., Уайт Дж. Разгадка тайны Стоунхенджа. — М.: Мир, 1973.)

Newham C.A. The Astronomical Significance of Stonehenge, John Blackburn Ltd., Leeds, 1972

Thatcher A.R. The Station Stones of Stonehenge, Antiquity, 49, 144—146, 1975.

Thom A., Thom A.S., Thom A.S. Stonehenge, J. for the History of Astronomy, 5, 71—90, 1974.

Thom A., Thom A.S., Thom A.S. Stonehenge as a possible lunar observatory, J. for the History of Astronomy, 6, 19—30, 1975.

К главе 10

Beach A.D. Stonehenge I and lunar dynamics, Nature, 265, 17—21, 1977.

Caesar Julius. The Conquest of Gaul, Translated by S.A. Handford, Penguin Books Ltd., Harmondsworth, 1971. (Имеется перевод: Записки Юлия Цезаря и его продолжателей о Галльской войне, о Гражданской войне, об Александрийской войне, об Африканской войне. — М., 1962.)

Childe V.G. The Dawn of European Civilisation, Routledge and Kegan Paul Ltd., London, 1925; Paladin, St. Albans, 1973.

Evans J.G. The Environment of Early Man in the British Isles, Paul Elek, London, 1975.

Ivimy J. The Sphinx and the Megaliths, Turnstone Books Ltd., London, 1975; Abacus, London, 1976.

Lamb H.H. Climate, vegetation and forest limits in early civilised times, in Kendall et al., The Place of Astronomy in the Ancient World, Oxford Univ. Press, 1974, p. 195—230.

Mackie E.W. Science and Society in Prehistoric Britain, Paul Elek, London, 1977.

Parker R.A. Ancient Egyptian astronomy, in Kendall et al., The Place of Astronomy in the Ancient World, Oxford Univ. Press, 1974, p. 43—50.

Renfrew C. Before Civilisation, Jonathan Cape Ltd., London, 1973.

Sachs A. Babylonian observational astronomy, in Kendall et al. The Place of Astronomy in the Ancient World, Oxford Univ. Press, 1974, p. 43—50.

Wainwright G.J. Excavations at Marden, Wiltshire, 1969, Antiquity, 44, 56—57, 1970.

Wainwright G.J. Mount Pleasant, Current Archaeology, 2, 320—324, 1970.

Wainwright G.J. Durrington Walls: excavations 1966—1968, Reports of the Research Committee of the Society of Antiquaries, No. 29, London, 1971.

Wainwright G.J. The excavations of a Late Neolithic enclosure at Marden, Wiltshire, Antiquaries J., 51, 177—239, 1971.

Watkins A. The Old Straight Track, Methuen and Co. Ltd., London, 1925, Abacus, London, 1974.

К приложению Б

Renfrew C. Before Civilisation, Jonathan Cape Ltd., London, 1973.

Suess H.E. Bristlecone Pine calibration of the radiocarbon time-scale 5200 be to the present, in radiocarbon variations and absolute chronology, in Proceedings of the 12th Nobel Sumposium ed. I.U. Olsson, Wiley, London and New York, 1970, p. 303—312.

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